This is the story of gardeners from Colombia who work on a farm in Los Angeles, California in the 1970s. They decided to leave their country in search of the American Dream and to feel safe from violence and corruption that has started up in their country. They are aware of the new challenges and obstacles they will face because of their lack of economic resources and the language barrier when living in a country that is different from what they are familiar with.
Complications arise when Soledad and Lionel (a couple), and Maria Magdalena (Soledad’s sister) get an offer to change their economic situation for a better life while living in Los Angeles.
Yadira, who owns the farm where the immigrants work, is a dangerous and unhappy person. Mario, who is Soledad, Maria Magdalena, and Lionel’s neighbor is a bad influence. But both Mario and Yadira are the only people in the country that Soledad, Lionel, and Maria Magdalena trust.
Soledad and Maria Magdalena love to work in the garden and to be connected with nature. They love to talk and eat fruits from the trees while they are working.